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Le [[forum]] '''Élections des modérateurs''' est l'endroit où les membres de [[JVC]] peuvent suggérer des forums pour que l'administration et les superviseurs y organisent des élections de [[modérateur|modérateurs]], et également un endroit où on peut demander à faire épingler des [[topic|topics]] sur des [[forum|forums]] non modérés. Attention, pour les [[lock|locks]] et les suppressions, il faut se diriger sur le [[Forum Réclamations]].
Sylvia Bedford Pierce told, think on what has come before. Anticipate that you'll encounter a future. Accept every situated moment. You understand the key to what we call time.
I investigated Tiffy as the boat drifted away. Now she was several yards away from the boat. It appeared like several miles. I <a href=>swiss replica watches</a>
breathed a sigh of relief simple fact that alligators had spared her.
option way time is. you can not just put on the brakes and stop it. You have to allow it to drift and let happen all the things and experiences you have good or bad happen. you don't put time in a bottle or freeze it. is going on being in the moment.
Time costs nothing, But it's costly. on the phone to own it, But quite a few. you won't keep it, But distinct it. Once you've lost it you can't ever get it back. Harvey MacKay
When one door closes another door opens; But we so frequently look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, That do not see the ones which open for us. Alexander Graham Bell.
Tiffy Escapes The Alligators equally <a href=>chanel bags outlet</a>
Time Escapes Us
Years ago Jim and I were lucky enough to have a house right on the canal of Lake Tarpon. One day when we were picking a boat ride, We in order to take our poodle, Tiffany (Tiffy). Tiffy had never been included <a href=>swiss replica watches</a>
before and didn't know boat etiquette. before to I knew it, She was meters on the bow of the boat and letting her hears flop, enjoying the refreshing breeze. I guess I <a href=>replica omega watches</a>
was clueless about she couldn't balance on the bow and soon I heard a plop. yes, it has Tiffy in an alligator infested body of water paddling for all she was worth. previous this, I had heard our neighboring, mister. Potter tell stories about small dogs that had been eaten by the gators. one panmyselfcked.
No yesterdays are ever wasted those of you that give themselves to today. Brendan Francis
"anthony, hinder the boat, I yelled as I stared at Tiffy paddling for dear life.

== Modération ==
Le forum fait suite à l'éclatement de l'ancien [[Forum Suggestions]].;u=1155606
* [[Youghy62]] depuis le 26 juillet 2012
* [[Parkko]] du 10 juillet 2008 au 8 septembre 2012
* [[Yeroc54]] du 11 mars au 10 (?) juillet 2008
* [[Weeder]] du 19 septembre 2007 au 11 mars 2008
== Liens externes ==
* [ Forum Élections des modérateurs]
* [ Archive des élections, sur le site JV Flux]
* [ Topic de démission de Parkko]
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