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/* Tout JavaScript ici sera chargé avec chaque page accédée par n’importe quel utilisateur. */ // A script that adds a "Back To Top" button in the footer of the Oasis theme. // I don't like scrolling back to top on long pages neither do you :) // Created by Noemon from Dead Space Wiki // Used files: [[File:BackToTopArrow_white.png]] [[File:BlackToTopArrow.png]] (function(window, $, mw) { 'use strict'; var buttonStart = typeof window.BackToTopStart === 'number' ? window.BackToTopStart : window.innerHeight, scrollSpeed = typeof window.BackToTopSpeed === 'number' ? window.BackToTopSpeed : 600, fadeSpeed = typeof window.BackToTopFade === 'number' ? window.BackToTopFade : 600, $button, cc = mw.config.get('wgSassParams')['color-community-header'], theme; // Double-run protection if (window.BackToTopLoaded) { return; } window.BackToTopLoaded = true; function init() { $button.children('div').hide(); $(window).scroll($.throttle(100, function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() > buttonStart) { switch (fadeSpeed) { case 0: $button.children('div').show(); break; default: $button.children('div').fadeIn(fadeSpeed); break; } } else { switch (fadeSpeed) { case 0: $button.children('div').hide(); break; default: $button.children('div').fadeOut(fadeSpeed); break; } } })); mw.hook('dev.BackToTopButton').fire($button); } function click() { $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, scrollSpeed); return false; } function modernPreload(l) { if (++_loaded == l) { modernInit(,; } } function modernInit(wds, colors) { cc = colors.parse(cc); theme = cc.isBright() ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'; cc = cc.hex(); $button = $('<div>', { id: 'BackToTopBtn', append: [ $('<div>', { css: { background: cc, color: theme, }, 'html': wds.icon('menu-control') }) ], click: click }).appendTo(document.body); $.proxy(modernReposition, $button.children('div'))(); $(window).on('resize', $.throttle(100, $.proxy(modernReposition, $button.children('div')))); init(); } function modernReposition() { this.css({ 'right':$(window).width()/100*5, 'bottom':$('#WikiaBar #WikiaBarWrapper').height()+8 }); } function arrowInit() { $button = $('<li>', { click: click, id: 'backtotop' }).append( $('<img>', { src: '' + ( (theme === 'black' || window.BackToTopArrowBlack) ? 'f/f2/BlackToTopArrow' : 'c/c3/BackToTopArrow_white' ) + '.png' }) ).appendTo('#WikiaBarWrapper .toolbar > .tools'); init(); } function oldInit(i18n) { $button = $('<li>', { click: click, id: 'backtotop' }).append( $('<button>', { css: { height: '20px' }, type: 'button', text: (typeof window.BackToTopText === 'string' && window.BackToTopText) || i18n.msg('backToTop').plain() }) ).appendTo('#WikiaBarWrapper .toolbar > .tools'); init(); } if (window.BackToTopModern) { var _loaded = 0; [ { h: 'wds', s: 'u:dev:WDSIcons/code.js' }, { h:'colors', s: 'u:dev:Colors/code.js' } ].forEach(function(lib, i, a) { importArticle({ type: 'script', article: lib.s }); mw.hook('dev.' + lib.h).add( $.proxy(modernPreload, null, a.length) ); }); } else if (window.BackToTopArrow) { arrowInit(); } else { importArticle({ type: 'script', article: 'u:dev:MediaWiki:I18n-js/code.js' }); mw.hook('dev.i18n').add(function (i18n) { i18n.loadMessages('BackToTopButton').done(oldInit); }); } importArticle({ type: 'style', article: 'u:dev:MediaWiki:BackToTopButton.css' }); }(this, jQuery, mediaWiki));